
Disease: Gadolinium Toxicity

United States

There has been a number of surveys and research on Gadolinium Toxicity, but not much has been written on detoxing from this heavy metal.

I would like to share some information that was sent to me by people who suffer from Gadolinium Toxicity. These people are reporting benefits while chelating with the HMD (Heavy Metal Detox) products.

Gadolinium Toxicity Connection

There have now been thousands of reports by many people who were given a Gadolinium-based contrast medium during their MRI scan. Most people begin developing acute symptoms immediately after the contrast media, and many of these symptoms continue to become chronic for years.

What are the Symptoms of Gadolinium Toxicity

Some of the symptoms are “strange” because a medical doctor would have difficulty making a specific diagnosis based on the symptoms. They do not really fit any diagnostic criteria for any one disease as such.

One survey entitled SURVEY OF THE CHRONIC EFFECTS OF RETAINED GADOLINIUM FROM CONTRAST MRIs has shown the following symptoms to be the most common – in order from most common to least common:

  • Pain – aching; burning, tingling, and/or prickling pain (paresthesia); deep bone pain.
  • Muscle symptoms – twitching – small, local, rapid contractions and weakness
  • Ocular problems – worsening vision,  dry eyes, bloodshot eyes
  • Dermal changes – like tight skin, lesions, and hyperpigmentation.  Most often feel that something is crawling under the skin and a sense of electrification.
  • Ear, nose and throat – tinnitus, swallowing, and voice problems.
  • Cognitive symptoms.
  • Hair loss.
  • Low body temperature
  • Itchy skin
  • Balance problems
  • Swelling of extremities (edema)
  • Fatigue
  • Blood pressure
  • Intestinal symptoms

Generally, no one has an answer for how to detoxify Gadolinium. Most authorities agree that the IV chelation given by medical doctors is not effective.

I have been asked the question about Gadolinium toxicity and whether the product that I invented 16 years ago, called HMD is helpful. I always spoke the truth and said that we had never tested Gadolinium in the initial double-blind, placebo controlled trials with 350 people.

HMD certainly is capable of detoxing many other heavy metals such as antimony, aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, tin, and uranium.

Recently, people suffering from Gadolinium toxicity symptoms have been writing to me with their experiences using HMD.

Apparently, they are seeing good results regarding an alleviation of symptoms, as well as a decrease in Gadolinium on urine tests.


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Gadolinium Testimonial

This is a patient that we will call Kelly in her 50’s. She had her first Gadolinium injection in 1996 and the last in March 2018, with several more in between. She has spent a number of years trying to chelate the Gadolinium from her body without much success.

Recently she tried the HMD protocol and the results she sent me.

The first baseline urine test was dated 24th March 2022. The level of Gadolinium is 33 mcg/24 hours.

On the 6th May 2022 Kelly performed a provocation urine test using only 25 drops of HMD, which is a very small dosage, but she is very sensitive. She had previously been using HMD for about three weeks.

The level of Gadolinium is 38 mcg/24 hours and as Kelly points out, the level of Antimony and Uranium has reduced to near zero after only 3 weeks of using the HMD.

Recently on the 2nd June 2023, she did another 24-hour urine test, which showed that the Gadolinium levels are still near zero, even though she had not been taking the HMD for the previous 3 weeks.

Dosage of HMD

Kelly was indeed extremely sensitive to the mobilization of Gadolinium in her body, and from the first week of trying it she wrote to me saying that her bones we aching badly, and her feet were on fire. She was taken the standard adult dosage of 45 drops of HMD, three times daily.

I immediately asked her to reduce the dosage of HMD down to one drop, three times daily on the first day and work up by one drop daily until she reaches a comfortable dosage.

She found that taking 5 drops, twice daily was comfortable for her and stayed on this dosage for a few months. On occasions, even at this low dosage, she would get flareups and would stop taking the HMD on these days. The flareups in her case were the bone pain and the burning feet.

Adding the herbal drainage remedy HMD LAVAGE helps in the elimination of heavy metals, and the HMD CHLORELLA for binding the metals outside the cells to prevent their reabsorption.

The protocol she was taking was the HMD ULTIMATE DETOX PACK.

Baseline Urine Test Before Starting HMD – 24th March 2022

Gadolinum Toxicity test results

2nd Urine Test – 2nd May 2022 – Provacation Test using 25 drops HMD, three times daily

Gadolinum Toxicity test results

3rd Test – 30th May 2023 – Taking HMD for one year, on and off

Gadolinum Toxicity test results

Kelly has been taking the HMD at reduced dosages for about one year now, with several breaks to control flareups. She has had Gladolinum in her system for 25 years, and this is why her disease has been labeled Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD).

In her own words, she says:

I’m writing to let you see my test results implicating that your product has removed (amongst other metals) the toxic MRI contrast Gadolinium from my system, what’s circulating anyway.

I have been working at it for a year (taking several breaks to control flares). Although I suffer from fibrosis now and bone pain from having had it in my system for over 25 years (known as GDD, Gadolinium Deposition Disease), I am no longer bound to a life of bed rest because of you.

I eventually worked my way up to taking 25 drops HMD, just twice per day (in the morning before coffee and in the evening before supper). I took 25 drops of LAVAGE with every dose of HMD and tried to remember to take CHLORELLA at supper once daily. I stayed at a low dose for several months and worked my way to the 25 drops only for the last few months.

Along with stiffness and soreness, I felt a poisoned feeling like I had the flu all the time and extreme exhaustion. I no longer feel poisoned or exhausted like that.


This testimonial have been sent to us by satisfied HMD™ customers as well as practitioners who are prescribing our products. If you would like to share your story, please email us at

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